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Health Benefits of Honey

Raw honey is a food noted for its exceptionally high enzyme content. Other enzyme-rich raw foods include bee pollen, raw vegetables and fruits; as well as lacto-fermented dairy products like kefir. Alternative enzyme-rich foods include cultured or fermented foods such as miso, kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut. Grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds are rich in enzymes as well as other nutrients, but they also contain enzyme inhibitors like phytic acid. This is why some people choose to soak and sprout these foods in order to deactivate the enzyme inhibitors.


It needs to be emphasized that raw foods should not be heated above 110°F so that the enzymes remain viable and available. Buzzbee's Honey is strictly raw and unfiltered. In the honey business, unfiltered actually means "minimally filtered". Commercially processed honey is heated to high temperatures until it runs like water through fine filters that take all solids out of the honey. Unlike these commercial processes, filters used for raw honey allow honey to slowly pass through while leaving the natural occurring pollen. This the maximum enzyme content possible. The process of packing raw honey is more time consuming, but the added benefits, not to mention the taste difference, are well worth it!

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